Next GRASFI Annual Conference: 25 – 27 August 2025 in Paris. 

About Grasfi


Our Mission

To promote rigorous and impactful research on Sustainable Finance & Investment.

Our alliance of Member Universities hosts an Annual Conference to discuss new research and opportunities.

We are an Alliance of Member Universities

The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI) was founded in 2017 to promote multi-disciplinary academic research on Sustainable Finance and Investment. This Alliance comprises global research universities, each with expertise in this field.

The Alliance aims to: organise the major international annual academic conference on Sustainable Finance and Investment; develop academic collaboration between researchers working in this field; and nurture the growth and development of graduate students and emerging scholars working on Sustainable Finance and Investment.

A Growing Community of Practitioners and Policy Makers

The subject of Sustainable Finance and Investment is of growing importance among practitioners, policymakers, and civil society. Improved quality and quantity of academic research in this area is vital.

High-quality, rigorous academic research can inform necessary developments in the theory and practice of Sustainable Finance and Investment. Aligning the financial system with global environmental sustainability is essential for the implementation of Climate Change Agreements and the Sustainable Development Goals.

GRASFI Globe illustration

Meet Heidi Raubenheimer

Executive Director

Heidi joined the Alliance in July 2022, ahead of the 2022 GRASFI conference. She brings more than 20 years of experience in financial services and academic research.

Connect with Heidi on LinkedIn.

GRASFI does NOT offer Accreditation or Financial Services.


Financial Services

Our Partners and Sponsors

Contact us if you are interested in partnering with us or sponsoring an upcoming Annual Conference.

Our Past Partners & Sponsor Announcements

One Planet Summit Sovereign Wealth Funds logo

New “One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds Research Forum” established in partnership with GRASFI

NGFS Network for Greening the Financial System Central Banks and Supervisors logo

Anouncement Title Goes Here

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