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HomePaperFunding the Fittest? Pricing of Climate Transition Risk in the Corporate Bond Market

Funding the Fittest? Pricing of Climate Transition Risk in the Corporate Bond Market

11 January 2024
Authors: Martijn Boermans (De Nederlandsche Bank), Maurice Bun (De Nederlandsche Bank/University of Amsterdam), and Yasmine Van der Straten (University of Amsterdam)
Presenter: Yasmine Van der Straten (University of Amsterdam)

We study whether climate transition risk is priced in corporate bond markets and if investors value companies’ green innovation efforts. Using confidential bond-level holdings data and global firm-level data on carbon emissions and green innovation, we find a positive transition risk premium. This premium is smaller for emission-intensive firms that engage in green innovation, suggesting that investors value companies’ efforts to mitigate climate change. We show that European investors, in particular institutional investors, have a higher demand for bonds from emission-intensive firms that engage in green innovation and thus influence yield spreads related to climate transition risk.

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