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HomeCourseClimate Finance and Sustainable Investing

Climate Finance and Sustainable Investing


EDHEC Business School

When it comes to climate change, everything is intertwined and connected. The climate change problem raises a number of scientific and engineering challenges, but economics and finance will have a to be part of the solution.

A major redirection of resources is required from all areas of economic activity to tackle climate change in a decisive manner. Although solutions cannot solely come from finance, finance will play a major role in the redirection of resources required in the energy transition.

Against this backdrop, EDHEC-Risk is offering you a comprehensive programme, different from all other certifications. This innovative programme will help you understand global warming with a wide perspective ranging from the science to the finance of climate change.

With an expertise drawn from backgrounds ranging  from nuclear engineering to finance, EDHEC faculty members collaborate to provide a 360 holistic view of climate change, leading to a better understanding of how financial markets can be used and mobilized for this unique challenge.

Explore the 4 MOOCs on offer  as part of the Climate Change and Sustainable Investing Specialisation:

✅ Science and Engineering of Climate Change
✅ Economics and Policies of Climate Change
✅ The Finance of Climate Change
✅ Climate Aware Investing

After this learning journey, learners will be able to

  • Form their opinion grounded on scientific facts on the feasibility and effectiveness of current options to fight against climate change
  • Understand how climate risks affect firm fundamentals and how financial managers should incorporate climate considerations in corporate decision making
  • Understand the instruments and solutions to finance clean technologies and clean energy
  • Assess how climate risk factors impact security prices and investment decisions
  • Understand how to implement effective low carbon investing strategies

This programme gives the opportunity to obtain a better understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and  the economy and finance.

*A MOOC is about 15 hours of content, including videos, recommended readings, free access to additional material (external videos, articles…), and assessments (self-assessment and graded quizzes)


Riccardo Rebonato

Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School

Scientific Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

PhD in Science of Materials, Stony Brooks University, NY, USA

Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering, Milan University, Italy

Lionel Martellini

Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School

Scientific Advisor, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

PhD UC Berkley

Gianfranco Gianfrate

Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School

PhD Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Emanuele Chini

PhD Candidate in Finance, EDHEC Business School

Teaching assistant, EDHEC Business School

Course Features:

Online Course
Executive Education
Coursera (online), France
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