Next GRASFI Annual Conference: 25 – 27 August 2025 in Paris. 

09:00 - 12:00

Side Event: The Robustness and Integrity of Net Zero Commitments of Financial Sector Organisations

Moderator: Simon Dikau (LSE)

Location: School of Management 4420

GRASFI has incepted a research network from among its members on “The Robustness and Integrity of Net Zero Commitments of Financial Sector Organisations (especially asset owners, asset managers, re-insurers, and service providers like data-, CRA- and ESG- rating providers). This side event is one of the activities of this network.

Anyone registered for the GRASFI annual conference with an interest is welcome to attend. However, seating is limited to 80 and invited participants will be prioritised. If you are a researcher from a GRASFI member institution and you have an interest in joining this network on “The Robustness and Integrity of Net Zero Commitments of Financial Sector Organisations” please email to be added to the mailing list.

Papers Presented: 

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