Next GRASFI Annual Conference: 25 – 27 August 2025 in Paris. 


2024 Annual Conference
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1 February 2024
Authors: Brent Ambrose (The Pennsylvania State University) and Liu Ee Chia (The Pennsylvania State University)
Presenters: Liu Ee Chia (The Pennsylvania State University)
1 February 2024
Authors: Thomas Cauthorn (University of Kassel), Julia Eckert (University of Kassel), Anne Kellers (University of Groningen), Christian Klein (University of Kassel) and Bernhard Zwergel (University of Kassel)
Presenters: Anne Kellers (University of Groningen) and Julia Eckert (University of Kassel)
1 February 2024
Authors: Marten Laudi (University of Bremen), Paul Smeets (University of Amsterdam) and Utz Weitzel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ Tinbergen Institute Radboud University)
Presenters: Marten Laudi (University of Bremen)
1 February 2024
Authors: Bing Lu (Beijing Normal University)
Presenters: Bing Lu (Beijing Normal University)
1 February 2024
Authors: Qiyang He (University of Sydney), Buhui Qiu (University of Sydney), Ben Marshall (Massey University), Justin Nguyen (Edith Cowan University), Nhut Nguyen (Auckland University of Technology) and Nuttawat Visaltanachoti (Massey University)
Presenters: Qiyang He (University of Sydney)
1 February 2024
Authors: Markus Leippold (University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute), Zacharias Sautner (University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute) and Tingyu Yu (University of Zurich)
Presenters: Tingyu Yu (University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute)
1 February 2024
Authors: Eric Bouye (World Bank), Romain Deguest (World Bank), Emmanuel Jurczenko (EDHEC) and Jerome Teiletche (World Bank)
Presenters: Jerome Teiletche (World Bank)
1 February 2024
Authors: Roland Füss (University of St.Gallen (HSG)), Kathleen Kürschner Rauck (University of St.Gallen (HSG)) and Alois Weigand (University of St.Gallen (HSG))
Presenters: Kathleen Kürschner Rauck (University of St.Gallen (HSG))
1 February 2024
Authors: Maurice Dumrose (University of Kassel), Julia Eckert (University of Kassel), Daniel Engler (University of Kassel), Gunnar Gutsche (University of Kassel) and Bernhard Zwergel (University of Kassel)
Presenters: Daniel Engler (University of Kassel)
1 February 2024
Authors: Ghassane Benmir (IE Business School), Josselin Roman (PSL Research University – Paris-Dauphine) and Luca Taschini (University of Edinburgh Business School)
Presenters: Luca Taschini (University of Edinburgh Business School)
28 January 2024
Authors: Hyeyoon Jung (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Robert Engle (NYU Stern), Shan Ge (NYU Stern) and Xuran Zeng (NYU Stern)
Presenters: Hyeyoon Jung (NYU Stern)
13 January 2024
Authors: Peter Tankov (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Olivier David Zerbib (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) and Fanny Cartellier (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Presenters: Peter Tankov (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
12 January 2024
Authors: Martijn Boermans (De Nederlandsche Bank), Maurice Bun (De Nederlandsche Bank/University of Amsterdam), and Yasmine Van der Straten (University of Amsterdam)
Presenters: Yasmine Van der Straten (University of Amsterdam)
11 January 2024
Authors: George Aragon (Arizona State University), Yuxiang Jiang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics), Juha Joenväärä (Aalto University) and Cristian Tiu (University at Buffalo)
Presenters: Yuxiang Jiang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
1 January 2024
Authors: Rebecca De Simone (London Business School), Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School) and Kunal Sachdeva (Graduate School of Business, Rice University)
Presenters: Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School)
1 January 2024
1 January 2024
Authors: Ye Zhang (Stockholm School of Economics)
Presenters: Ye Zhang (Stockholm School of Economics)
1 January 2024
Authors: Roman Kräussl (Bayes Business School, Hoover Institution at Stanford University), Joshua Rauh (Stanford Graduate School of Business, Hoover Institution) and Denitsa Stefanova (University of Luxembourg)
Presenters: Denitsa Stefanova (University of Luxembourg)
1 January 2024
Authors: Qiang Cheng (Singapore Management University), Yun Lou (Singapore Management University) and Mengjie Yang (Singapore Management University)
Presenters: Yun Lou (Singapore Management University)
1 December 2023
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